easy crusty bread – sshhh, it’s gluten free

Yes, we said “easy” and “bread” and no, that’s not an oxymoron. Crunchy on the outside and soft and chewy in the middle, this gf adaptation of no-knead bread has a slight sourdough taste and the look and texture of an artisan loaf. It doesn’t keep for more than a few hours so the recipe produces a mini-loaf about the size of four dinner rolls. gf crusty bread. gf and me 2013.We have now posted a second crusty bread recipe. See gf and me’s crusty bread II.

This is a conversion of a recipe from simply so good.

What you’ll need:

1 cup rice flour

¼ cup corn starch

¼ cup potato flour

2 teaspoons xanthan gum

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon instant quick-rise yeast

1 cup water

Cast iron pot like a Dutch oven

For a version made with cup-4-cup all purpose gf flour, see Rural Route Lupiac‘s blog post and search for “Crusty Bread”. Looks awesome!

For a link to “Rustic Raisin Bread,” see Rural Route Lupiac‘s blog. Looks fantastic!

What you’ll do:

In large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients to combine well – really well.

Add water and stir with a spoon until a wet, sticky dough forms.

Seal with lid or plastic wrap and set aside for 12 to 18 hours.

TIP: Really, you don’t need to give it so much rising time since gluten free bread will not rise all that much. We, however, keep this step because we found it adds to the sourdough flavour.

Heat oven to 450 degrees. Warm pot and its lid in oven for 30 minutes

While pot is warming, remove dough from bowl and shape into a ball on a rice floured surface.

After pot is heated, remove it from the oven and drop in the ball of dough.

Cover and return to oven for 30 minutes. Then remove lid and return to oven for another 15 minutes.

Place on cooling rack to cool.

TIP: Eat this within a few hours because the loaf does not keep.

Like this? You might also enjoy:

gf and me’s crusty bread II

Kim’s gf/df sandwich bread

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Photo Copyright gf and me 2013.

56 thoughts on “easy crusty bread – sshhh, it’s gluten free

  1. gf and me, do you have any suggestions for an alternative baking pan? I don’t have a small covered Dutch oven or Le Creuset pan. Mine are way too big for this. I’ve made the original (large) wheat version of this before in my Le Creuset pan so I’m familiar with process but I’ve never tried it gluten free. Do you think a small but deep casserole pan (it has a lid) would work?


  2. Pingback: Blog Lovin’ | Rural Route Lupiac

  3. Pingback: Gluten Free Rustic Bread, Y’all | Rural Route Lupiac

  4. Pingback: scones sweet scones | gf and me

  5. This looks and sounds fabulous. I don’t have a cast iron dutch oven (gasp! I know…) but I’m heading to the cookware store at noon to buy a food mill, so I may as well buy a dutch oven at the same time and try this. Can’t wait!


    • Hope you like it as much as we do. The texture is a bit heavy but the flavour is the best of all the gf breads we’ve tried. We’ve never tried it, but a glass casserole should work if you don’t have a dutch oven. Oh and we’d love to know how hte mill works. Been thinking about purchasing one too.


  6. Pingback: Wheat Free Bread | yum vee

    • How could you not like your statement that “The way I see it, you should be able to turn out professional, delicious products in almost any small, simple kitchen.” I look forward to your recipes! And photos!


  7. Pingback: gf and me’s crusty bread II | gf and me

  8. Pingback: gluten free and dairy free sandwich bread – it’s awesome! | gf and me

  9. Reblogged this on Don't Forget the Cream and commented:
    GF bread is a mystery to me, so I always appreciate finding someone who has done the work and is kind enough to share. I’m going to give this a try tomorrow – please follow gfandme for more gf recipes, they look wonderful!


  10. I make regular bread all the time using a biga. I am going to try your formula and am very happy to have it when I need to serve gluten-free bread. It looks delicious. May I inquire what the xanthum gum is for, chemcially? Does it help to bind the dough so it keeps its shape? Many thanks, gf!


    • Exactly. The xanthan gum replaces the gluten and helps hold everything together – although it doesn’t really help to hold the air produced by the yeast. Theoretically you can also use guar gum, but we haven’t had much luck with it ourselves.


  11. Pingback: gluten free beef stew | gf and me

  12. Pingback: rural route lupiac’s gluten free brioche – bread that’s as easy as making a cake | gf and me

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